As a child, Mike attended the Reading Fairground’s Race Track.  It was here that he developed a true love for racing, racecars, and the drivers.  As he grew older, his love for racing continued and spread to modifieds, sprint cars, and NASCAR.  Now, Mike has begun to help preserve the memories of the Reading Fairground’s Race Track by restoring some of the racecars that he once watched compete.  

Through the years, Mike has completely restored Bobby Braxton's blue 35 car.  Mr. Braxton provided Mike with the parts, pieces, and history of the car, making the restoration completely authentic.  He has worked on many other cars including the Russ Smith's Reading Gremlin Modified, the Ed "Shag" Horan replica, the Red Lesher replica, and more.  Mike has also received Fred Brightbill’s 13 car, Dizzie Dean's 42 car, and Sammie Beaver's 43 car.  He plans to restore all to their original appearance.

Mike has been involved in the establishment of the Reading Fairgrounds Racing Historical Society, founded on February 4, 2004.  By doing all this, Mike is hoping to continue to preserve memories made at the Reading Fairground’s Race Track.  The links below hold information on the association and cars.

Click here for more information on:

  Reading Fairgrounds Racing Historical Society

2012 Reading Fair

2011 Reading Fair

2010 Reading Fair

Freddy Adam #8

30th Anniversary of Reading Fairgrounds Closing

New #101 Pictures

A #19 White Pinto THANK YOU

Red Coffin's Reconditioned Race Trailer

Kenny Brightbill #19 Pinto

RFRHS Octoberfest Racing at the Reading Fair

Temple Parade Pictures

Russ Smith's Gremlin

Russ Smith

  Red Lesher

   Ed "Shag" Horan

Reading's 250th Anniversary Parade Pictures

Bobby Braxton

Kenny Brightbill   

 Leroy Felty   




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